Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sexy in 1946

Some photos of sexy outfits from "Soviet Woman" magazine published in 1946


Thursday, August 23, 2012

What the Police was trying to tell since 1993

Today, this ‘Devil-Incarnate’ is a tool of the Neo Con Jewish agenda to overpower and re-colonialise all the Muslim controlled countries just like Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and now in the process, Syria. He is working out an ‘Arab-Spring’ styled Neo Con Jewish sponsored mobstreet-turned-chaos dubbed as ‘Malaysian Spring’ as a tool for the agenda of minority overpowering the majority.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wa Kentut...

Continuing the previous post, "Malaiyoo Isle", here's the final part of the kentuts (read "fartwa"):-

Friday, August 17, 2012

Malaiyoo Isle

Nampaknya ada orang Islam di Malaysia yang sanggup sisih menyisih antara sesama sendiri kerana mahu berpakat dengan orang bukan Islam atau semata-mata kerana hendak berkuasa.

read more HERE...

"Kita bersyukur dengan pendirian DAP sekarang, kerana mereka sudah berubah sikap dan sanggup bekerjasama dengan PAS, asalkan tidak mendirikan negara Islam" - 12 Mei 1999.
More fartwa HERE and HERE

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thousand of words in a picture...

Image from GERAKAN ANTI PKR...... (click HERE)

and from DIMENSI...

Read more from DIMENSI here...

(can't help it but to post this one too... ha..ha.. ha...)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

More on (moron?) pigs...

Further to the post before this, Negara Yang Agama Rasminya Islam?, NOT dedicated to those who are allergic to pigs.....

Never mind what muslims say about pork, let's listen to what christian says about it (the reproduced article below was posted in LISTED!!!, titled, "Bible & Qur'an Say. "DONT EAT PORK" - Why?" which blog has now been taken private)

But before that, let's read additional info on Kosher Food (read in full HERE):-
Kosher foods are those that conform to the regulations of the Jewish Halakhic law framework, kosher meaning fit or allowed to be eaten only by the Halakhic community.

With regard to animals, Deuteronomy and Leviticus state that anything which chews the cud and has a cloven hoof is ritually clean, but animals that only chew the cud or only have cloven hooves are not.[6][7] The texts identify four animals in particular as being unclean for this reason: the hare, hyrax, camel, and pig — although the camel ruminates and has two toes, and the hare and hyrax are coprophages rather than ruminants.[8]


The pig being what it is will eat just about anything it can get its mouth on. That includes all kinds of garbage, carrion, what the hell ever including its own feces.

Now watch this

an animal which can best be described as a sanitation disposal system of its own standing!

UPDATE ! (8:21am)

Selepas anda menonton video di atas (yang last sekali di atas tu, yang ada menyentuh pasal ladang babi) dipersilakan pula baca artikel terbitan GERAKAN ANTI PKR (klik) ini.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Negara Yang Agama Rasminya Islam?

Semasa shopping barang-barang DIY tempoh hari, saya terpandang sudut ini:-

Bagi saya, sudah semestinya orang-orang Islam di Malaysia kita ini tidak akan membeli berus-berus cat ini untuk membuat kerja-kerja DIY mengecat. Baguslah kerana kedai hardware ini mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab meletakkan notis 'amaran' tersebut. Ye lah kan? Katanya dalam Perlembagaan ada termaktub bahawa agama Islam itu agama rasmi negara dan babi definitely a very big NO!!  NO!! kepada kaum muslim.

Tiada seorang muslim pun akan mendekati sudut pameran berus cat babi ini, apa lagi membelinya untuk membuat kerja mengecatnya. Kan? Tetapi persoalannya, bagaimana pula tukang-tukang mengecat yang bukan muslim? Bayangkan kontraktor-kontraktor bangunan-bangunan dan rumah-rumah kediaman yang mengambil kontrak ataupun upah mengecat. Siapa towkeynya, siapa pula pekerja-pekerja mengecatnya. Adakah syarat-syarat kontrak mengecat memaktubkan bahawa berus cat babi tidak boleh digunakan dalam kontrak mengecat itu? Kalaupun ada syarat sedemikian, bagaimana pula perlaksanaannya? Anda pernah mengupah atau memberi kontrak mengecat rumah anda kan? Samada rumah baru ataupun rumah lama yang hendak diserikan kembali dengan cat baru. Adakah anda meneliti berus-berus cat yang towkey cat ataupun pekerja-perkerjanya guna untuk mengecat rumah anda?

Bayangkan apabila kita mengambil remeh perkara ini. Tidak menjadi suatu kemustahilan bahawa bangunan-bangunan kerajaan yang kita berurusan itu semuanya terpalit dengan DNA babi. Pasaraya-pasaraya dan pejabat-pejabat swasta yang kita kunjungi itupun diselubungi dengan DNA babi. Rumah tempat kita tidur malam pun terkesan dengan DNA babi. Wow! Negara ini negara yang beragamakan Islam sebagai agama rasmi, tetapi sana-sini terpalit dengan DNA babi. Bayangkan!

Persoalan besarnya, mengapa berus babi ini dibenarkan masuk oleh pihak-pihak berkuasa ke pasaran negara yang agama rasminya adalah Islam? Kenapa 'rumah' Malaysia kita ini dibuka pintunya bagi babi-babi masuk dengan sewenang-wenangnya? Item-item yang lebih personal seperti beg, kasut, makanan babi, mungkin kaum muslim dapat bertoleransi sedikit, walaupun tidak dengan sepenuh hati. Tapi item-item umum seperti berus cat ini, kenapa pihak-pihak berwajib tidak begitu prihatin sedang Perlembagaan Negara ada menyebut agama Islam itu agama rasmi? Kalau begitu, mungkinkah suatu hari nanti kerajaan ISLE Malaysia bakal menganugerahkan cop logo tanda halal kepada babi? Orang-orang ISLE Malaysia ini pun bukan kisah sangatkan kerana sudah tinggi sangat sikap toleransi mereka kan?

Bagi yang 'alergik' kepada babi, di SINI ada maklumat berguna untuk panduan seharian.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The trouble makers separatist behaviour

They want Mandarin in their schools when Mandarin is not even their mother tongue but instead, the official language of the People's Republic of Communist China.

Often they say "sekolah kebangsaan sucks" when they try to justify their vernacular schools. Well.. it is something like we all live in one house called MALAYSIA and the house undeniably has some leaks. Instead of working together hand in hand to repair the leaks, they conveniently choose to separate themselves at one corner of the house where there is no leak and build walls around, for themselves, at that corner. They even demand everything from the gomen to further enhance their separate corner which, sadly to say, the gomen more often than not, bow to the pressures.

Can you call these kind of people as the true, patriotic and loyal house dwellers? No, they are "separatist", disloyal, self-centred, unpatriotic, anti-national and even racist; who choose to separate themselves in one corner of the house.

They are truly not the house dwellers. They want to forget that their forefathers were once welcomed to take shelter in the house and later on were accepted to be as one of the house dwellers when the forefathers "identified themselves fully with the indigenous people. They (the forefathers) speak the language of the indigenous people habitually, practice the customs and traditions of the people they have been assimilated into.."

The gomen (especially the PM and Minister of Education), instead of encouraging it, should have the back-bone not to allow these kind of "separatist" behaviour in the house called MALAYSIA. No where else in the world practice these kind of "separatist" education system which obviously very detrimental to nation building.

These "simply trouble-makers" people ought to leave this house and find their own house elsewhere, where they can speak their own preferred language, do their own things and have different CONSTITUTION.  Because, here in the separate corner of the house, with such "separatist" behaviour; are they not truly......


They can't even properly speak or even understand bahasa Kebangsaan .......... house dwellers huh?!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

If we don’t want our politics to be race-based, then....

There are actually a lot of people of foreign origins in Malaysia who seem to have forgotten their origins. These are the people of Indian, Arab, Indonesian and even Turkish and European origins who are accepted as indigenous people by all of us. They have been so accepted because they identified themselves fully with the indigenous people. They speak the language of the indigenous people habitually, practice the customs and traditions of the people they have been assimilated into and incidentally they are Muslim.
They and their children speak Malay, the national language.
On the basis of length of stay and mastering of the national language, they qualify to be citizens of this country. And so the acquired citizenship.
By comparison we have many citizens who cannot speak the national language who were accepted as citizens.
If we don’t want our politics to be race-based, then we must forget our racial origins, speak the national language as our mother tongue and swear allegiance only to this country. We can retain our religion however.

Read the full article by CHEDET here.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Blondie again!...

The Blonde Police Applicant 

A blonde walks into the police department looking for a job. The captain says they can’t just turn her away, and orders to desk officer to ask her a few questions as if doing an interview.

Not having any idea what to ask her to disqualify her application, the officer asks, “What’s 2+2?

Ummm… 4!” the blonde says.

Dang, the officer thinks, so tries a harder one: “What’s the square root of 100?

Ummm… 10!” the blonde says.

Good!” the officer says, deciding to switch from math to history. “OK, who killed Abraham Lincoln?

Ummm… I don’t know,” she admits.

Well, you can go home and think about it,” he says, “and come back later and tell me what you’ve figured out.” He figures that’s the last he’ll see of her.

The blonde goes home and calls up one of her friends, who asks her if she got the job.

"Not only did I get the job", the blonde says, "but I've already been assigned to a murder case!".

more blondes HERE....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If there is light in the soul...

If there’s light in the soul
There’ll be beauty in the person.

If there’s beauty in the person
There’ll be harmony in the house.

If there’s harmony in the house
There will be order in the nation.

If there’s order in the nation
There’ll be peace in the world.

~ Chinese Proverb

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